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Foundations Training Certified Teachers

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Emily Jones

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Current CEO and Joy Ambassador.


Location: South Africa

Level 1 Certified Teachers

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Nicola Jackman

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Creative Facilitator, Performance Heartist, Joy Catalyst in the field of joy for 20 years. On the UP!


Location: South Africa


Laura Yates

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Laura has 15+ years experience in Meditation, Yoga and Somatic dance facilitation along with shamanic training and other earth-based practices.

Her passion is to empower others to find their own inner joy spark through dance, connection & nature.


Location: Singapore

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Dan Cam Becker

  • LinkedIn

Co-Founder and Master Teacher Trainer of Secret Sunrise







Location: Egypt


Angela Jelita

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Change-maker, earth-lover, energy healer, and all round joy enthusiast, Angie previously owned Secret Sunrise Bali and is now sharing the joy in Australia.


Location: Australia


Karen Christian

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With over six years of Secret Sunrise facilitation, Karen is currently exploring different forms of movement.


Location: South Africa

Ignite License Certified Teachers


Grant Ross

  • LinkedIn

Co-founder of Secret Sunrise and owner of original Franchise - Secret Sunrise Cape Town.


Location: South Africa

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Emily Jones

  • LinkedIn

Current CEO and Joy Ambassador.




Location: South Africa


Lau Yates

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Laura has 15+ years experience in Meditation, Yoga and Somatic dance facilitation along with shamanic training and other earth-based practices.

Her passion is to empower others to find their own inner joy spark through dance, connection & nature. 


Location: Singapore

Level 2 Certified Teachers

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Dan Becker

  • LinkedIn

Co-founder and Master Teacher Trainer of Secret Sunrise






Location: Egypt

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Nikki Jackman

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Creative Facilitator, Performance Heartist, Joy Catalyst in the field of joy for 20 years.


Location: South Africa


Karen Christian

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More than 6+ years of Secret Sunrise facilitation, currently exploration different forms of movement.


Location: South Africa

Level 3 Certified Teachers

Dan Cam Becker

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  • LinkedIn

Co-founder and Master Teacher Trainer of Secret Sunrise.


Location: Egypt

Level 4 Teacher Training
Certified Master Teachers

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Dan Cam Becker

  • LinkedIn

Co-founder and Master Teacher Trainer of Secret Sunrise.


Location: Egypt

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